Tuesday 14 January 2014

Poster Project

Another Project that cropped up recently was for a Dance Class poster, I started with a few ideas for poses, since it was a Street/Jazz/Contemporary dance class I stuck with the "street" style, which was difficult to capture in just one static image.  I circled the poses that I liked best:

Again sticking with the Street style I thought about what I associate with the word and came up with a graffiti style for the poster. 

This wasn't well received, whether it be the style of my choice or the dance pose, they wanted something softer than the bold image I'd created.  They picked two poses they liked best and asked me to work them up with a soft colour gradient behind it:

There may be more to these images once I have the feedback, I've played with the backgrounds on both of them but I may have to show those after I gain my feedback for these.

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