Monday 25 November 2013

Character Designs

Another one for University.  The comic book script I was given by Black Dragon Studio's progressed onto making a Motion Comic/Animatic, I decided that I wanted to do this motion comic/Animatic to add to my Animation show reel.  

I decided, though, that instead of carrying the story on where I left it (with the comic book pages) I wanted to work backwards, from the last page and as many pages as I could finish.  It also keeps the script I was given a little broken up, I didn't want to start publishing the whole story without the permission of the company, but I am allowed to post this artwork as my own for now.

A pretty much typical looking Sheriff, although I quite liked the idea of him being a little younger and more hot headed, almost like he's starting out and hasn't got the wisdom to accompany him yet.

A typical looking Mayor type, from the western movies that are always on TV, it's one of the more striking images in my mind even though I know the Mayor could look any way I wanted him to.
Finally, the "boss" of our two protagonists, she is still somewhat pretty but just hard enough looking to intimidate.

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